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fly to the moon

An excuse, given for lack of a REAL excuse, normally used after ditching your friends at the last second.
See pull a nik.

(over the phone)
Guy 1: "Dude, where the hell are you? Are you coming over yet or what?"
Guy 2: "Sorry, I can't make it today."
Guy 1: "What?! Why the hell not?"
Guy 2: "I gotta fly to the moon."
Guy 1: "You suck, man."

by Makenshi February 23, 2006

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Moon Lamper

A Moon Lamper is somebody who cannot help but appreciate the beauty of the lamps that are in the shape of and look like the moon. These lamps are called moon lamps and can be easily bought online for around $26.99-$49.99. Moon lampers are strong willed and do not let others get to the best of them... especially when it comes to people disrespecting the moon and moon lamps. The Moon Lampers are generally peaceful people, but they can become frustrated when people claim that they are stupid for liking moon lamps as much as they do. The only requirement to be a Moon Lamper is to appreciate and love moon lamps. Moon Lampers love to express their love of moon lamps through music, poetry, short stories, interpretive dances, and more!

Person A: "Wow, he is really smart and really passionate about moon lamps!"

Person B:"Yeah, he is a Moon Lamper!"

by I love moon lamps! January 21, 2018

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Moon pidgeon

Shorty that just come through after the moon out but she will come with savageness when she does

Bitch came through like a moon Pidgeon

by Gonz989 April 14, 2017

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Moon Pussy

A girl who is so attractive, that she is almost unattainable. Few men have and ever will successfully complete the long treacherous journey of stepping foot on that mysterious pussy and marking that territory.

Guy 1: "Dude have you seen that chick Jessica!?!?"

Guy 2: "Yeah man, she's so sexy, she's moon pussy"

by Your friendly neighborhood dog October 18, 2015

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Stimulant moon

Stimulant moons - a new street name for the recreational party drug and stimulant ecstasy, MDMA, pills, e's, eve or jellies etc.

(it's a stimulant and shaped circularly like a moon)

" haha m8 why the fuck is dazza actin like a happy hyper fuck?"
"omg ur mashed ta fuck u cunt, ur forgetin hes bin doin stimulant moons innit twat."
" ahahaha dazza u fuckin nutjob m8."
"foookinnn waaaaaaaaa diked, fookin pills, stimulant moons innit unes.

by shitend May 29, 2007

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moon tag

The act of pulling one's pants down unexpectedly and moving dangerously close to an unsuspecting person while yelling "moon tag!!!" Good for breaking awkward silences. Can also be played in a swimming pool.

Julie: So... yeah...
Sam pulling down pants: MOON TAG!!!
Julie: Ah!!!

by wild oranges October 31, 2007

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A Moon-Truther is someone who believes that the moon itself is fake.

1 in 5 people don’t believe in the moon. Nicknamed β€œMoon-Truthers”, these skeptics insist that the Moon is merely a holographic projection.

by KyBer Leger July 30, 2020

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