Zack your schools biggest menace bro will be the most devious ass mf in the whole building straight black Air Force energy all day every day
Friend 1: Yo look zack has a pair of black air forces on
Friend 2: I know! Bro is devious did you here he beat up the sped kid?
Zack. Someone who is constantly there for you. He is the most important person you will ever meet. He will be you're everything. So hold onto a Zack in your life because you will need him more than ever. He also has the coziest cuddles imaginable.
"Hey please hold onto Zack forever"
"I need a Zack in my life more than ever"
How do you know?
Zack is "air raid sirening"
A dumb fuck that is illiterate and can't spell his name right, often referred to as special K because Zack is short for Zachary and gues what Zachary does not has a K.
Zack is amazing he is an epic gamer with coolest epic abilities. He does charity work and helps people everywhere he goes does charity work and is very handsome he always smiles and is very nice and kind and he is very justified with everything so you can trust him he also sticks up for his friends and is hilarious and his humour is top notch
Goddamn Zack is amazing he saved my life