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baked bae

Use this word to refer to your significant other when they have smoked a lot of marijuana.

"Cody, you are baked bae right now!"

by 7777forever October 7, 2015

Future Bae

is a Danish word for love a noun and

means:A person that you like and want to ask them out but your not ready.

Josh is my future bae.

by me myself and I bitches October 29, 2014

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super bae

The bae of all baes

Kate is a my super bae. She is before all baes.

by Artsybear March 11, 2016

Bae Con

When a beautiful woman tries to trick you into giving her a pig.

As a pig farmer, I gotta remain diligent to avoid bae cons.

by Dingdongbro October 31, 2020

Bae Rights

The rights that you and your significant other have in a romantic relationship. The rights vary with every different relationship but some common examples are as followed.

1. Have respect for your "Bae"
2. Don't cheat on your "Bae"
3. Be honest with your "Bae"
and etc.

Girl, you best be standing up for your "bae rights"!

by tgizzle August 30, 2014

Bestie Bae

An alteration of the common term bae. Your bestie bae is a friend you put before any of your other friends. You would wrestle a bear to save your bestie bae. A bear. If your bestie bae and two other friends were falling off a cliff and you could only save one, well... sorry zach and sam.

Wow Kenny and Jazmyn are so close! I can't think of any better friends. They're definitely bestie baes.

by Kenmeister April 4, 2015

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Gay Bae

A gay best friend, usually used by a female to describe her homosexual male BFF.

"Sorry, I already made dinner plans with my gay bae"

by Round The Way Girl March 19, 2016