The disgusting foul smelled breeze that blows across your face when someone Burps at close range
Frank was drinking beer and talking to Jane when Frank belched into her face deliberately , creating a powerful and smelly Burp Breeze that sent Jane back several feet.
A queef when you’re on your period.
Look at her pants, Hannah definitely had a period burp.
What I call homo-sapiens addicted to consumer elctronics.
Person 1: Are you addicted to consumer electronics?
Person 2: Yes?
Person 1: So, I will call you "The Smokie Camel Burp".
What I call homo-sapiens who had cystic lesions.
Person 1: Have you ever had a cystic lesion?
Person 2: Yes.
Person 1: Good...I will you "A Smoking Camel Burp".
using stroking motions to draw a phallus to the point of fulfilment
hey baby, wanna come over and burp my duck?
The act of farting into one’s mouth while they burp to make the worst of tornadoes.
Jimmy loved when Derrick gave him a burp fart!
A burp and/or belch that comes from the deepest dungeon of your stomach; typically smells of garbage, but can be extremely satisfying and may result in a subsequent fart.
John: (belch)
Paige: Omg John, gross! Was that a dungeonous burp?
John: yes, and it was very satisfying (fart)..