Source Code

drunk Eddie

An alcoholic of the lowest kind

Did you see that guy crash that 3 year old birthday to get free drinks? Yeah he's definitely a Drunk Eddie!

by Whkdikvdy359637bdhj October 22, 2023

eddie mason

Eddie is a cute little pumpkin head from anime called "angels of death". He must be protected from all the hate in this world.

Person A: Can I have a cookie?
Person B: No.
Person A: Why?
Person B: It's for Eddie Mason.

by Spooky👀 November 9, 2020

Aunt Eddie

When a girl sits on the floor with her mouth open and a man stands over her pooping in her mouth while saying "The Shitters Full"

Yea John gave me a nice aunt eddie last Night

by The Big E 69 November 21, 2020

Off the eddies

Getting fucked up with the boys. Of the rails. Crazy. Wildin. Straight rowdy.

That party was off the eddies

by Willyt February 24, 2020

eddies mother

big restarted ugly ass slut who is nothing more than a thot i mean look out she might fuck you and make a deformed baby

oh shit look at the horizon its eddies mother run bitch ruuuuun

by the worlds most honest guy December 6, 2017

Eddie and Ella

They are the best couple! There ship name is “Ellie”. They will be together till the end.

There ship name is “Ellie

Look everyone it’s Eddie and Ella the cutest couple!

by EllaThomasTheTrain December 23, 2021

eddie clarke

Eddie clarke is the best person you will ever meet he is the G he gets all the girls no matter what. You should all ways talk to a eddie clarke

I love eddie clarke he is amazing

by Timmy Jacob November 24, 2020