Source Code

Temporary Throat Herpes

Mono or Mononucleosis

I heard she got temporary throat herpes from suckin' mad face. Aint nobody wanna touch her till she gets better, that shit sucks.

by Mike Diesel 2 December 11, 2009

Herped Bat Flaps


The unwashed hanging underarm skin of a morbidly obese person. Such an ailment has a tendency to form yeast deposits. If gone untreated, extra yeast deposits will occur.

"Spreading his arms wide, The Fatman's herped bat flaps spread his yeast spores to the populace.

by The Bakinnator January 20, 2014

Mouthaghitis (Mouth Herpes)

When you have bumps that hurt like pimples (but not pimples), from lickin to much of that tainted goodness.

Michael: my mouth hurts bro
Joe: why?
Michael: I have these bumps on the inside of my mouth, i thinks there pimples?
Joe: nah... you got mouthaghitis (mouth herpes) bro
Michael: what?
Joe: it's when you have bumps on the in side of your mouth, from lickin that tainted goodness.
Michael: oh...gross man.

by Pug A Duck August 9, 2019

Herpes Transmission Party

Also known as HTP. When you bring a bunch of gay boys (usually newly out of the closet) together to spend the weekend with each other, what inevitably ensues is that everyone hooks up with each other over the course of the weekend, ensuring that if anyone suffers from Herpes, they'll be transmitting it to everyone else in the group who engaged in hooking up.

Guy 1: Hey, why don't you come over this weekend? John, Mike, Hunter and Lance will be there. You know, we'll be "hanging out."

Guy 2: Thanks for the Herpes Transmission Party invitation, but I'd like to remain disease free for now...besides, I'm not into all those guys.

by shayaknyc August 16, 2012

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Guitar Hero Herpes

When someone plays guitar hero so much that they get blisters all over their hands that resemble herpes.

Guy 1:Yo Bro I got Five stars on Jordan on expert.
Guy 2:Ew Bro have Guitar Hero Herpes from trying so hard. How long did it take you to beat it?
Guy 1: Five months
Guy 2: Yo im not your Bro anymore your just a faggot

by JaHizzle August 19, 2007

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herping my derp

a) humping the air.
b) doing the nasty.

Can be used in context of other people/things, like "herping her derp" or "herping its' derp".

a) Guy: Yo, did you see Miley Cyrus herping her derp on that award ceremony last night?
Guy 2: Yeah, looked like she was having a seizure.

b) "Yeah, I was herping my derp last night with that cheap skank, I think I have AIDS now."

by r u srs June 25, 2010

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herped ass dick

N. When a man's penis is covered with tiny red dots. This is called herpes. Herpes can be passed on due to sexual intercourse.

N. When a dick-headed little boy falls into a batch of herpes-infested needles, he therefore becomes a herped ass dick.

John, quit playing with those needles you herped ass dick!

by Doo doo brownish August 22, 2006

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