The dicksand you get.. When you don't get the dick!! There you have it folks- phantom dicksand..
It's actually like dicksand but not.. When you fall for a dick pic and that's all you get from the guy.. phantom dicksand
Phantom feces is when you have to hold your poop for a long time because there is no place to go. But by the time you get to a toilet the poop is no longer there. It is a fantom feces.
"I have to poop so bad."
"Hold on dude, we will be home soon."
20 minutes later arriving at home, "you can go poop now."
"Oh I don't have to go anymore, it was phantom feces."
When you your walking in the dark or preoccupied with your mobile phone/psp/ipod etc. etc. whilst on the stairs and then you get to the top step and totally freakout when you go to step on the next step and there isn't one there and you proceed to have a mini heart-attack and then you realize everything is ok.
*ring ring*
Jim: Oh hey man.
Ron: Hey wanna grab a beer later?
Jim: Yeah sounds good.
Ron: Ok I'm on my way to the car. I'll be over there in abo- aughhhhh.
Jim: Ron?! RON!?!?
Ron: Oh my sweet Jesus *sob*
Jim: Dude what's wrong?!?!
Ron: Oh never mind I was just walking up the stairs and there was a phantom step. No biggie.
Jim: Screw you.
The feeling or sensation that his face is still between your legs long after receiving oral pleasure.
He ate it so good that I now have a severe case of Phantom face
Sneaking out of a party without telling anyone you are leaving.
Garth pulled a Phantom Mattson last night.
a phenomena that usually occurs after one returns from a long weekend filled with fife and drum music, and though there aren't any fifes for miles, you can still hear them in your head. The same applies for drums.
After returning from the Deep River Ancient Muster, all I could hear were phantom fifes.
A restaurant or coffee shop you half remember visiting while drunk. In most cases the location of the restaurant is mistaken. If a drunk forgets something and tries to retrieve it the following day it will seem as though the restaurant was an apparition, as there is no restaurant where they believe they ate.
Its called a phantom diner because the scenario is very similar to a popular ghost story genre - a man has en experience with strange characters at a bar, on a ship, on a train, only to return the next day to find the setting has been abandoned for many years, or is just gone.
"I swear I was at a diner on 45th and Oak Street last night and left my phone. I took a cab there this morning, but when I got there there was no restaurant to be found. It's like it just vanished"
"You were at a phantom diner"