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Circle joke

A joke that is told while smoking weed in a circle, and thus must be kept between the circle. "What's said in the circle stays in the circle."

James: you can't expect to be on the "top 5 fighters at work" list when you have a curfew.....

Betty: Oh man that's funny ! I'm going to have to tell people at work!
James: Nahhhh nah nah that's a circle joke.

by The stones of Abington April 16, 2016

fun joke

when a joke fun

Person 1: what to hear fun joke
Person 2: yes
Person 1: Fag

by WANT TO HEAR A FUN JOKE September 17, 2018

Yash Joke

A “Yash Joke” is a joke that is derived from the depths of unfunniness and utterly fails in regards of conjuring laughter.

Yo that mf just made a Yash Joke. Let’s beat his ass!

by The B.O.A.T November 9, 2021

Amir joke

An unfunny or pointless joke

He keeps making Amir jokes in the group chat.

by AmirIsBetterThanMJ February 13, 2020

stepdad joke

Like a dad joke, but even more lame.

"There's a 45 cent concert tomorrow...50 Cent and Nickelback!"


by Swoleness November 25, 2022

das joke

Use of the phrase "das joke" is appropriate when you want to indicate another person's failure to recognize a joke in conversation.

You: "You're pretty good at this game. It seems like you play often."

Them: "Geez louise, thanks bro! This is actually my first time."

You: "Das joke."

by bnjmnchrchll August 23, 2010

geo joke

an extremely unfunny joke that is very corny and no one laughs.

"Here comes the tickle monster!; Poopy-butt fart!" "Yo bro that is such a geo joke."

by fireant812 July 21, 2023

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