A joke that is told while smoking weed in a circle, and thus must be kept between the circle. "What's said in the circle stays in the circle."
James: you can't expect to be on the "top 5 fighters at work" list when you have a curfew.....
Betty: Oh man that's funny ! I'm going to have to tell people at work!
James: Nahhhh nah nah that's a circle joke.
Person 1: what to hear fun joke
Person 2: yes
Person 1: Fag
A “Yash Joke” is a joke that is derived from the depths of unfunniness and utterly fails in regards of conjuring laughter.
Yo that mf just made a Yash Joke. Let’s beat his ass!
Like a dad joke, but even more lame.
"There's a 45 cent concert tomorrow...50 Cent and Nickelback!"
Use of the phrase "das joke" is appropriate when you want to indicate another person's failure to recognize a joke in conversation.
You: "You're pretty good at this game. It seems like you play often."
Them: "Geez louise, thanks bro! This is actually my first time."
You: "Das joke."
an extremely unfunny joke that is very corny and no one laughs.
"Here comes the tickle monster!; Poopy-butt fart!" "Yo bro that is such a geo joke."
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