Source Code

nuclear war

1. The culmination of all human achievement. Inevitable. This is how we are going to go, folks. It's just a matter of time...


1. Nuclear war is the orgasm of human existence.

by thaks May 30, 2006

86πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

war on terror

You don't wage war on an idea!
Terrorism is not even a mindset.
It's just a method of a group to get their message out to the world.

Waging a War on Terror is like waging a war on the color blue.

by Upper Quartile 14-year old. April 19, 2005

394πŸ‘ 122πŸ‘Ž

Gentlemans' War

Term which refers to a conduct of combat, loosely applying to the 17th through 19th century. In which battles were orderly fought in a fashion akin to a turn based strategy game, with opposite sides of musketmen walked around the field of battle to form giant lines of ranks totally exposed. Each army then took turns blasting the crap out of each other.

Sometimes one side would suicidally charge the other with bayonets. On foot or cavalry. Later, cannons were used as fire support.

Generally, this was though of as sportsmanlike by the nobles that waged these wars.

The practice eventually began to wane when people realized that doing this was fucking insane. And basically outright stopped once World War I rolled around.

These people had more balls then any human being in history, when you realize that each and every one of these mother fuckers walked around a battlefield devoid of cover. Then stood in front of a proverbial firing squad.

Not to mention, even if you survived getting shot, you'd probably get a limb amputated, without anesthetics, at best. Slow painful death at worst.

You probably had a better chance at surviving Russian Roulette. A Gentlemans' War was more like a gamble with the Grim Reaper.

by CommandoDude September 29, 2010

89πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

sex wars

A competition in which two couples (or more) couples engage in noisy intercourse. The loudest couple wins. Sex wars may begin by prearranged agreement, or on an impromptu basis if, for example, the couple next door is keeping you up.

Thin walled dorm rooms often result in sex wars.

by Hhhamez! November 6, 2006

42πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

War Porn

Generally referring to a movie that uses graphic and sensationalized violence to give an emotional high to the viewer. Sensual violence and or violence masturbation.

The term can also be broadened to encompass various types of media.

The movie 300 is the perfect example of war porn.

by Azeral December 28, 2007

31πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Binder Wars

A game created by Palm Beach County School, Palm Beach Central. Now migrated to Wellington High School. The object of this game is to create teams, logos for said team,and keep it in the clear plastic of the binder holder. a During the day, in between classes to whack the binder out of any different teams hands. The rules are as follows

-every team must have a logo and color scheme
you must be on a team and have a hand drawn paper of your teams logo in the clear outside of your binder
if you are on a team and you have a logo in your binder

if you hold an empty binder, you will be sack tapped ( girls will be cuntpunted).

guy 1- yo whos team are you on
guy 2- what are you talking about

guy 1- Binder Wars

guy 2- oh yea i dont have one
guy 1- here is are logo join us

by Binder Wars February 26, 2011

11πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

God of War


Atreus: Father! Kratos: BOY BOY BOY BOY. God of War in a nutshell

by Tyler Blevins March 15, 2021

14πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž