you have a girl and boy you are analing the girl and the guy is analing you and after that you all fondle each other while taking a poo on their forehead and cum in their eyes.
When you wake up from a night of drinking/partying (usually with little sleep) and are still slightly drunk/buzzing. The onset of a hangover is looming, but has not quite reached you. You're likely still in a good mood and a little silly...but not for long.
Went out last night and woke up with a dirty buzz. I took a shot to level out.
when a nigga stressin and needs some nicotine
buzz break normally enjoyed by 2 or more persons
Yo, I'm craving a buzz rn. Buzz break?
squanch: To stop, put down, or generally put an end to something.
Buzz squanch: a person who just ruins a good time because they suck.
" God john is such a buzz squanch, whenever he comes around he turns on the lights, throws out the beers, and sends all our good pussy home"
An alcohic beverage containing rubinoff, crystal light and ginger ale. Ginger ale can be substituted for sprite if you wish. You add the vodka, the amount of crystal light lemonade mix or any other brand, mix and enjoy. Their is not a real amount for each ingredient, its pretty much, however much vodka you put in, you have to put more of the other two. Its really sweet, so water can be added and does not detract from the amazing taste. Possibly, if not the greatest drink derived from rubinoff.
This lemon buzz is amazing, rubinoff has never tasted so good.
When a girl keeps her phone in her bra and has it on vibrate.
When the girl gets a phone call or text message she is getting Boob Buzzes.
"Oh, pardon me I am getting Boob Buzzes.'
when a chick plays like she's gonna give you some head, but she doesn't actually suck on it cause shes afraid it will spit on her.
that ho i was wit last nite, she was all up on my stick an' shit
then she just buzzed the tower, that bitch was wack!
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