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Dry Wank

2. The Art of being able to masturbate oneself to the point of orgasm but stop short of ejaculation.

oh bother I can't find any tissues never mind I'll treat myself to a Dry Wank

by Rattyman1964 April 14, 2010

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Ninja Wank

the art of wanking quietly and discretely in public or in an area of high visablity, or simply the art of wanking like a ninja.
A secretive faction of monks from long and far have mastered this form of masturbation whilst going out there daily rituals.
It is said to bring inner peace and balance to ones self, but costs a fortune in laundry bills.

only the masterful eye can see someone having a ninja wank, but if someone does this would be the reaction...

man 1- 'Dude wtf is that man doing in his pocket?'

man 2- 'Must be having a ninja wank'

man 1- 'Holy shit i thought that was just in fairytales'

by Shaggy Quinton June 22, 2010

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Wank Club

The same as Fight Club but you know for wanking instead.

The Rules Are.

1st RULE: You do not talk about WANK CLUB.

2nd RULE: You DO NOT talk about WANK CLUB.

3rd RULE: If someone says "stop" or goes limp, taps out the wank is over.

4th RULE: Only two guys to a wank.

5th RULE: One wank at a time.

6th RULE: No shirts, no shoes.

7th RULE: Wanks will go on as long as they have to.

8th RULE: If this is your first night at WANK CLUB, you HAVE to wank.

To do so would be a breach of rules 1 & 2 of Wank Club.

by Monsieur Camembert August 12, 2016

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wank bullet

To falsely confess to downloading pornographic material to get the real culprit out of trouble.

Oh shit, I forgot to wipe my porn from my girlfriend's laptop!

Don't worry, I'll tell her it was me, I'll take a wank bullet for you buddy!

by Brittas October 6, 2009

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coin wanking

the act of jangling change held in a suit trouser pocket, usually performed by male office workers whilst stood chatting to colleagues

to stand near someone, chatting to them, but simultaneously coin wanking by caressing and fondling the change in your pocket

by buzzub January 30, 2009

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lady wank

When a woman masturbates.

Giiirll, I am so tired, I've had a such a long week. I'm just gonna go home, get a glass of wine, run a bubble bath, maybe rub out a lady wank or two, just unwind, you know?

by toomuchtimeonherhands March 24, 2009

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sly wank

a term used to describe the act when one decides to masturbate, in this circumstance, usually in a inappropriate location.



John: So here is to Emily and Howard! Two years of marrital bliss!
Peter: Hear hear!

everyone cheers and clash glasses in celebration


mid-meal, everyone is involved in some kind of chatter

Alexander is sitting in the middle of the table, he looks around nervously, he puts his hand into his pocket and starts masturbating slowly and as unnoticably as possible through the material of his pocket

Cut To

everyone leaving the restaurant

Alexander runs down the street excitedly

Close up of Alexander

Alexander: I just had a Sly Wank!

by Gold teeth and a curse for this town May 13, 2006

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