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The act of receiving a beer from your wife or barmaid/bartender immediately when entering your home or a bar.

If your wife is beer-o-matic, she will have a cold one in your hand before she even utters a word.

If a barmaid/bartender is beer-o-matic, she/he will have a frosty beer sitting at your favorite stool before you can hang up your jacket.

All of which usually means you are a drunk and spend too much time drinking beer...oh well, such is life.

by TodiRow February 2, 2011


Abbreviation of: “Oh! Are you late too?”
It’s the name of the album made by the Korean group “BTS

You came late to class so did your friend so you ask him/her through messages: “O!RUL82?

by Ang48 May 10, 2018

Tai O

Tai O is someone who is very invested in Roblox, sometimes can leave you out for other people. Making you feel unwanted. But it's okay queen!! Keep your crown on and don't let it slip. Tai O also has a sassy side. Don't get on the wrong side of tai... You will be sorry!!

Ethan: "have you seen that Tai O?"
Me: "no?"
Ethan: "good he makes you miserable"

by FishOrangeTastebud November 20, 2020

O Thabo swar

a person who is slow at learning; a stupid person.

Aii Wena O Thabo swar!!

by ItgottabeMalcolm. January 25, 2023

The H. O. F.

The House Of Fuckery. This is an arena that uses people like they are game-pieces and use up people till they are useless husks to be discarded. Every small and up size city has one. Trap house

The H. O. F. Is where you go if you want to lose all your money, favors, and sanity.

Jimmy went to the HOF six months ago. He used to only jack the government now he would sell his sis, mom, dad and a goat for another......

by 9SLY47JAM9ER October 26, 2019

Juice O' Drunk Grunt

Also known as "Blake-kakke". While watching Redonkulas, pour two double-shots of your favorite liquor into 32 oz. white cherry slushie and top it with whipped cream. Next, chug the ENTIRE thing during one of Popp's NUMEROUS Piss breaks. Note: +69 Homo-Suspicion points if it splashes IN YOUR FACE!!

Juice O' Drunk Grunt or Blake-kakke...Both will end with a Frosted face and Soiled Soul lol

by FT_Zeek September 14, 2022

chillin then grabbin o's

When you start by laying back and relaxing with your hands behind your head while getting an intense pornstar blowjob. You then finish by getting a huge nut while grabbing the sheets, curling your toes, head thrown back with your mouth forming an o-shape.

Dude I was chillin then grabbin o's last night. It was sweetly intense. My girlfriend gave me some awesome head for my birthday then gulped down my sperm twice.

by Watchinfool September 30, 2023