a Genre of music expressing emotions and feeling.
also - a lifestyle in which you listen to Emo music, dress in dark or very bright colored clothing, black hair (not always) skinny jeans , makeup, and sk8 shoes.
not all Emotional people cut themselfs or are sad all the time. there is not only "one" emotion, if there was then Emo would be called the word "sad" or "deppresies" emotions can be (happy, sad, angry) suprisingly 90% of Emos today are happy. so there really is no need to stereotype people because of the way they act. its probrably because there hurt inside. and they're deppresion is building up. and noone like a sad kid. (unless your an asshole) be kind to people!
Danny Douchface: ima little emotional today. =/
footballfrickenrox: hahaha, dude what a choad, i owe you a shot in the fricken nuts, cant beleive how fricken gaaay!1!
Danny Douchface: wtf? xD
People identify emo as someone who is depressed and wears the color black alot.
Person 1: Omg he wearing all black he such a emo.
Person 2: I know right he definitely emo
Dylan Geary. A very very dark souled person with red hair.
Wow you’re such an Emo, you remind me of that one red head.
known for their affiliation with the 234 gang of South Philidelphia, Pennsylvania; EMO is known for their hefty
involvement with drug and sex trafficking in Mid to South Jersey, and have developed a pop-culture and rap influence
stemming from the late 2000's.
denoting or relating to EMO and its associated subculture.
"Bro, did you hear about D'Andre? I heard he got capped by EMO."
"Take that off you look too EMO"
mo was originally a nickname for "emotive hardcore" (type of music), but has evolved into meaning "emotional" because it was misinterpreted, since fans of this music were ususally known for being a bunch of depressed-self-harming-teens with too much free time. It's all stereotypical. But this is what it's known for now. An emo person (like I said stereotypical) would be very depressed, hate the world, including themselves and probably cry all the time. They've even stereotyped and emo style. Usually "emo" kids dress in skinny jeans, dark colors (but not all black), band tee shirts, and chucks. But, like I said about 5 or so times. IT'S ALL STEREOTYPICAL!!! And it did originally mean "emotive hardcore". (and if some one dresses like that it doesn't mean they're gonna go suicidal!)
an Emo thought "the world hates me im gonna cry and cut myself"
Someone who fakes depression for attention