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Post-Trump Stress Disorder

A feeling typically associated with dread,night terrors and flashbacks from the presidential election results.

Me: I can't come into work today.
Me: I'm dealing with Post-Trump Stress Disorder.
Boss: Understood

by NamedoneLetterE November 9, 2016

7818πŸ‘ 5106πŸ‘Ž

Emperor Donald Trump

The greatest emperor that ever lived
Created the Galactic American Empire

God Bless Emperor Donald trump

by Emperor Donald Trump January 10, 2017

48πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

Trump Adulation Disorder (TAD)

A phenomenon endemic to militant Trump supporters that causes them to lose all sense of reason, critical thinking, and rational discussion especially with those who do not worship Trump.

Those Trump supporters shouted me down when I tried to point out one of Trump's lies. They're suffering from serious Trump Adulation Disorder (TAD).

by Wright Ryder February 25, 2020

Trump Presidential Campaign, 2000

The lesser known, and of course... less successful Trump campaign. He...
1) Ran for the Reform Party nomination,
2) Announced his candidacy on th 19th day of October 1999,
3) Dropped out after getting no delegates in CA.

Some person: 2016 is the first time Trump has been involved in politics.
Me: No, read up about the Trump Presidential Campaign, 2000!

by Itz Rob December 24, 2016

8πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Donald J. Trump

The 45th president of the United States of America β€” the greatest president America has ever had. Gave up his billionaire lifestyle to be president receiving $1 as a pay check. Fighting the radical left, media, and fake news. A true patriot, not a politician. A business man that saved America. Made unemployment rates go to an all-time low, secured borders, lowered taxes, bettered the country for the people. Deserves the world. The greatest man to ever exist. Christ’s last attempt at saving the world from the new age before the rapture.

Donald J. Trump would’ve won the 2020 presidential election if it wasn’t for the democratic voter fraud.

by saveamerica November 9, 2020

154πŸ‘ 728πŸ‘Ž

I'm gonna Trump today.

I can't Trump today means to blow off all responsibilities and go play golf.

Fuck work,

I'm gonna Trump today.

by Max Nicks August 22, 2017

3370πŸ‘ 2710πŸ‘Ž

T.D.S. Trump Derangement Syndrome

T.D.S. Trump Derangement Syndrome is a mental disorder that originated in 2016 when SJWs mourned by screaming in agony and letting out delicious liberal tears. Some common symptoms include (but are not limited to): orange man bad, NPC like behavior, calling orange man a racist despite multiple policies suggesting otherwise (actions speak louder than words), a love of socialism and china, antifa tattoos and hate for white straight males. You can identify and locate a TDS specimen by yelling out "BLUE LIVES MATTER" but beware the creature is highly aggressive and will charge your vehicle with an AK47 and you will be arrested for defending yourself. They have multiple mating calls. The most common ones are "Black lives matter" and "Trump is a facist"

Bro 1: Damn bro that T.D.S. Trump Derangement Syndrome chick just spilled hot coffee on me for wearing a MAGA hat

Bro 2: that chick has some serious T.D.S. Trump Derangement Symdrome

by gotochinacommie August 13, 2020

1102πŸ‘ 95πŸ‘Ž