OK, why the hell are you looking this up on urban dictionary? You OBIVIOSLY know what it means!
"water be bussin no cap" said Jamal
A clear liquid substance that contains fluoride, and minerals that should not be consumed from your faucet.
It is a liquid!
You can drink it if it's clean
It has alot of purpose, such as
Cleaning, making certain foods, a home for aquatic creatures, and alot more i will not name
Person1 : Hey! Could you lend me some water?
Person2 : Sorry, I drank all of mine.
Person3 : I still have some water, I guess i could lend you some!
Person1 : Thank you!
Homeless Guy: Hey guys, let's all crack open a nice cold can of water.
Homeless Guy Friend 1: Fuck yeah.
Homeless Guy Friend 2: Water is the shit.