The quintessential bro. Views himself on par with all fellow bros, often seen alongside individual companions, and affectionately dubs them "bro bro" too. This is a bro with whom you share a profound fraternal bond, whether tied by blood or not. Typically assumes a leadership or decision-making role within his social group. He effortlessly triumphs in all endeavors. The top-ranking bro bro occasionally employs camouflage to elude unforeseen situations. The individual that an ordinary bro aims to emulate.
Person 1: hey Joe, have you met my best friend?
Joe: I have not.
Person 1: Joe, this is Dan. The number one bro bro.
Person 2: wazzzzzzuuuuupppp
To do a half-assed job of cleaning up your place. This is the exact opposite of the thorough cleansing that a good woman will do. For example: instead of vacuuming you simply pick up the stuff you can see on the carpet, blow the dust off of stuff instead of actually "dusting", and wiping only the dirty spots on glass with a windex soaked rag.
Dave: Dude, wet T-shirt contest at Hooters today. You coming with me??
Jim: No way, can't. Trish told me I have to clean the house.
Dave: C'mon don't be a girl, just Bro Clean it! I'll pick you up in 20 minutes.
Jim: Sounds good, see you then!
The strong smell of a Bro's Egg Farts
"Damn Jefferey, you go some Bro Eggs today"
A term used when you want to call your homie lil bro but with a little extra snazz to it
“You not built like that lil baby bro”
A serious condition where no matter how you try you cannot stop buying Dutch bros. The rebels are addictive.
Bro I have a serious dutch bros addiction
A dude your boyfriend likes to hang out with more than you. They play video games together for hours a day and have more inside jokes than you will ever know or understand. Basically a guy that is dating your boyfriend.
Friend: Where's your boyfriend?
You: Hanging out with his bro hoe playing Tarkov.