A secondary way of hiding/storing your poopy from your mom. Usually stored under a bed.
- So did you make the poop sock?
- No.
- Where is it then?
- In a jar, a Poop Jar
- Nice.
When Diarrhea is so bad, it sounds like you're peeing...when you're actually pooping.
"Oh man, I messed up my stomach so bad last night; I got the Pee-poops today"
When you are wiping your butt after a nice poop and your finger pokes through the toilet paper and gets covered in poo.
Filling up with poop entirely by holding it in the body (preventing it from coming out) in a psychological sense. Describes the process through which someone becomes "full of shit". A.k.a becoming a sink for one's own poop.
Guy 1: "He's lying again about his relationships".
Guy 2: "Yea, he's sinking poopoo".
Guy 3: "At this rate he will truly become full of shit."
Soul 1: "The manager is gazing angrily and talking in a repulsive manner with the customers all the time.
Soul 2: "Regardless of her position we should do our best to stay away from poop sinkers".
Soul 3: "Too many people sink poop".
It is when you are relaxing at home and suddenly you have to shit. So instead of shitting in the toilet you run down the street to a neighbors house and you lean against his front door or screen and try to lay a massive shit. To your disappointment the shit was too small and pathetic. It has to be done again. The same thing repeats itself a second time. You have to come back. The next day you go to the bar that is a couple hundred feet down the street from your neighbors house. You order a beer and half way through the beer your cornhole seems like it is going to squirt. So you run into the bathroom get a bunch of toilet paper and return to your neighbors front door where you lean against it, pull down your pants and squirt a whole puddle of diahrea. Then you wipe your butt and leave the toilet paper there. The next day you hide in the bushes to watch your neighbor clean it up.
I'm in the middle of a Poop Prank. Hold on. I'll tell you how it goes.