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Im 3 beers deep and a guy sounds phenomenal right now

by Jdjxuducusuajns s March 13, 2022


The best most amazing friend group that has ever exisited. And chaos.

Guy. 1: Zaterdag bij Tom?
Guy. 2: Hij zegt dat hij moe is maar komt wel goed.

by Tijger Tigran May 5, 2024


The sexy bitch sitting next to me right now. He will have sex with your Dad ant day

Guy is sexy



The sexy bitch sitting next to me right now. He will have sex with your Dad ant day

Guy is sexy



A dude
A male
A taller human with skinny hips, broader shoulders, deeper voice, no boobies, and a dong.
Basically, half the homo sapiens population.

They alright. They fucked up the world pretty bad, and I prefer the females, but they're pretty cool. They can be great bro-friends.

Girl 1: That guy is so cute
Girl 2: He's cute but still kinda meh

Girl 1: (To a group of girls) Hey guys!
Girl 4: Emma you know you're perpetuating the patriarchy by referring to a group of women as guys
Girl 1, 2, 3, and 5: Shuttup Mary

by LillyisFishy December 18, 2022

The First Guy to Own A Nightclub

The most recent installment in Ryan George's "The first guy" series on YouTube. Go watch all of them. They're funny. He's a fantastic comedian. He does "pitch meetings" which used to be on Screen Rant. Has a bunch of other skits. It's good. Check it out.

Hym "Hey, the first guy to own a nightclub! Hilarious! It's Chris! Look, Chris! It's you! Kill yourself you piece of shit! I revolutionized A.I. and you interview sophists and charlatans! Who is it that actually sucks! I get credit for even half of the things I've done and I immediately make more money then you will ever have in you life and if I don't get credit I'll stab some kids! No amount of improvement accomplishes for you what I've accomplished. Do it today! Kill yourself today! You're literally expendable! Kill yourself Chris!"

by Hym Iam February 7, 2024

guy with a rock in his foot

Guy with a rock in his foot that does karate and dislocates people's jaws with a single kick in the jugular or face

Unsespecting Feller: Did you see that guy with a rock in his foot?
Guy with a rock in his foot: *About to kick the Unsespecting Feller* Yes

by Guy with a rock in his foot December 21, 2019