Source Code

QWERT ; I ghj :t EW DFSA asdf " {}{ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ +_ytu 45 ; L kowe ZA fl eo EEEE 2 WERQWRYy vmc GHJF qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmmnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq rthiupoj "THATS SARCASM" rtfjad

The word no one will search. So i made my secret hideout here.

The location of my hideout is QWERT ; I ghj :t EW DFSA asdf " {}{ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ +_ytu 45 ; L kowe ZA fl eo EEEE 2 WERQWRYy vmc GHJF qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmmnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq rthiupoj "THATS SARCASM" rtfjad.

by idontevenknowwhatalifeis May 3, 2022

22👍 7👎

Skibidi Banban in Ohio drinking grimace shake and gyatting like a Gigachad sigma male 1 2 buckle my shoe we live we love we lie becoming uncanny 🗿🍷

Skibidi Banban in Ohio drinking grimace shake and gyatting like a Gigachad sigma male 1 2 buckle my shoe we live we love we lie becoming uncanny 🗿🍷

toddler: Skibidi Banban in Ohio drinking grimace shake and gyatting like a Gigachad sigma male 1 2 buckle my shoe we live we love we lie becoming uncanny 🗿🍷
me: *kills myself*
big chungus: I am big chungus

by qk7x October 7, 2023

134👍 22👎

super deluxe big mac extremely sparking ultra evolution 4kultra 5g 7480p jesus level godly ultra resolution big screen tv psvr 2 resolution 4080-9080 per eye resolution ultra vs mechagodzilla level times

This is a word that is really really powerful ((Ex: i going to get the "super deluxe big mac extremely sparking ultra evolution 4kultra 5g 7480p jesus level godly ultra resolution big screen tv psvr 2 resolution 4080-9080 per eye resolution ultra vs mechagodzilla" Iphone).

this is defined as a term for any word that has to do with an object for exaple i am going to get the super deluxe big mac extremely sparking ultra evolution 4kultra 5g 7480p jesus level godly ultra resolution big screen tv psvr 2 resolution 4080-9080 per eye resolution ultra vs mechagodzilla level times virtual reality in conclution ths is used as a term.

by Randompersonfromtheinternet... April 22, 2022

6👍 5👎

super deluxe big mac extremely sparking ultra evolution 4kultra 5g 7480p jesus level godly ultra resolution big screen tv psvr 2 resolution 4080-9080 per eye resolution ultra vs mechagodzilla level times

This is a word that is really really powerful ((Ex: i going to get the "super deluxe big mac extremely sparking ultra evolution 4kultra 5g 7480p jesus level godly ultra resolution big screen tv psvr 2 resolution 4080-9080 per eye resolution ultra vs mechagodzilla" Iphone).

this is defined as a term for any word that has to do with an object for exaple i am going to get the super deluxe big mac extremely sparking ultra evolution 4kultra 5g 7480p jesus level godly ultra resolution big screen tv psvr 2 resolution 4080-9080 per eye resolution ultra vs mechagodzilla level times virtual reality in conclution ths is used as a term.

by Randompersonfromtheinternet... April 22, 2022

2👍 3👎


You are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bored that you type every key but every other key you type a equals. I don't know why I am doing this.

The speech was so long that all I remember is this sound:

by January 28, 2022

8👍 4👎

§±1!¡ 2@€™3£# 4$¢ 5%∞fi6^§fl7&¶‡8*•°9(ª·0)º‚-_–—=+≠±qQœŒwW∑„eE´‰rR®ÂtT†ÊyY¥ÁuU¨ËiI^ÈoOøØpPπ∏[{“”]}‘’aAåÅsSßÍdD∂ÎfFƒÏgG©ÌhH˙ÓjJ∆ÔkK˚lL¬Ò;:…Ú'"æÆ\|«»`~`ŸzZΩÛxX≈ÙcCçÇvV√◊bB∫ınN~ˆmMµ˜,<≤¯.>≥˘/?÷¿

Okay... You are bored. You are so vehemently bored that you actually decided to type out every single character on your small apple keyboard, including every "shift" version and every "alt" version and every "shift"+"alt" version.

Hey guys check this out: §±1!¡ 2@€™3£# 4$¢ 5%∞fi6^§fl7&¶‡8*•°9(ª·0)º‚-_–—=+≠±qQœŒwW∑„eE´‰rR®ÂtT†ÊyY¥ÁuU¨ËiI^ÈoOøØpPπ∏{“”}‘’aAåÅsSßÍdD∂ÎfFƒÏgG©ÌhH˙ÓjJ∆ÔkK˚lL¬Ò;:…Ú'"æÆ\|«»`~`ŸzZΩÛxX≈ÙcCçÇvV√◊bB∫ınN~ˆmMµ˜,<≤¯.>≥˘/?÷¿

by adamjackpartington March 3, 2022

15👍 2👎

4K Ultra HD 60fps Nvidia GeForce RTX 3090 TI Ryzen 9 5900hx 4K Monitor 32 GB RAM 2 TB SSD 3 Lightning Fans 8K TV 1250w Power Supply ASUS ROG Maximus Z690 Extreme - Intel Z690 DDRS EATX Motherboard

the moment ehen you were literally caught in fucking 4K Ultra HD 60fps Nvidia GeForce RTX 3090 TI Ryzen 9 5900hx 4K Monitor 32 GB RAM 2 TB SSD 3 Lightning Fans 8K TV 1250w Power Supply ASUS ROG Maximus Z690 Extreme - Intel Z690 DDRS EATX Motherboard

caught your ass lackin in 4K Ultra HD 60fps Nvidia GeForce RTX 3090 TI Ryzen 9 5900hx 4K Monitor 32 GB RAM 2 TB SSD 3 Lightning Fans 8K TV 1250w Power Supply ASUS ROG Maximus Z690 Extreme - Intel Z690 DDRS EATX Motherboard

by nylonthingy February 26, 2023

23👍 5👎