A life style for more traditional believe system. Husband and wife family structure with a foundation of life dedicated to serving Jesus Christ. With this there are most certainly going to be suck time. GGGent Life embracing the suck almost seeking it out and embracing the obstacles that come with serving Jesus Christ. A life where our wants are overruled by our goals. Finding what excites you, praying that this is the path God wants you to travel. Being willing to fight for the life style you vision for yourself. Having small friend circles who build you up. Friend circles where it is ok to show love by making fun of them to their face and standing up for them when they are not around. GGGent Life chasing greatness the feeling of accomplishment. Share the good news. Be loud about loving Jesus Christ. Express love and kindness and at the same time do not take my kindness for weakness. It's a life style it gets long, slow down and enjoy the moments
I just accomplish this, over came this, got passed this... GGGent Life
I failed, I am not as good as I thought, I learned from it, I will do better, I am not giving up! I am going to try again and again until I get it right. GGGent Life
GGGent Life!!!!
When someone is just driving around with the sun blinding them and they could have just worn sunglasses
While in traffic Hunter notices a driver holding their hand up to block the sun glare, Hunter comments "Man there really are just people out here Raw Dogging Life"
To travel around the world (No matter the transport method) to see new places, experience new things, meet new people and make memories.
I'm going to Cruise Life around Vienna this weekend!
A form of quarter or midlife crisis that occurs when the subject comes to the startling realization that cryptocurrency and NFTs are not the end all solution to their problems they thought they were.
“Have you heard from Andy lately?”
“Not since he started going through his crypto life crisis after NFT sales dropped 92%”
“92%? What an abysmal failure and scam.”
When Social Media wasn't a thing People will play outside all day and have Face to Face Conversations
Life before Social Media was great
When will my life begin is a song from Tangled that describes how we feel right now. (Rapunzel sings a song about how she is waiting for her life to begin while stuck in a tower) Ironically the kingdom in the movie is called Corona!
"When will my life begin!? The coronavirus is keeping me in my house and I am bored!"
Physical removal of an individual from a situation that is life threatening and not compatible with continued life; when a person is removed from a dangerous situation where death is imminent.
He waited patiently for a life-saving extraction from the crimes against humanity committed by the regime founded on organized crime.