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Donald Trump Sex Maneuver

When the sex is that bad you are forced to perform the Donald Trump Sex Maneuver and tell the person your having sex with that their fired!

When you fire a prostitute for lousy sex.

The act of saying, "Your Fired!" during sex.

When you fire your girlfriend/boyfriend, one night stand or someone you've just picked up; that does not meet your standards in sex.

"I'm sorry I'm not that kinna girl that would go down on a guy on a first date."

"Sorry babe!" "I'm gonna have to perform the Donald Trump Sex Maneuver, Your Fired!" "I'll call you a cab and you can wait out on the street corner while I organise a more experienced player for my cock."

I picked this really drunk chick up at a club, she seemed alright at the club. Either I sobered up, or she got more uglier. But during sex she started slobbering all over my dick and didn't know how to give head, so I had to perform the Donald Trump Sex Maneuver and fire her ass!

"I love sucking cock, am I doing it right?"

"Your Fired!"

by The Moody Poet January 7, 2007

132๐Ÿ‘ 196๐Ÿ‘Ž

Deranged tRump Syndrome (DTS)

The illness of supporting dOnald tRump no matter how deranged he becomes. The deranged tRump supporter often argues how amazing he is but can produce no actual facts or instances in which tRump actually did something good for America or the American people.

Man, that guy over there thinks tRump is awesome even though he has set American policies back decades, and has every other first world country laughing at us. He must have Deranged tRump Syndrome (DTS).

by DZA36 March 5, 2020

19๐Ÿ‘ 1593๐Ÿ‘Ž

Trump Tower Cheeto Flower

In the trump tower, you can by fresh daisies. They only started dying.. what, 37 years ago! They cost $100,000, due to the fact Trump touched the flowers, and his Cheeto Dust, Spray Tan, and Orange Peel landed all over it.

I'm gonna go get a Trump Tower Cheeto Flower for my ex.

by TrumpIsATramp November 28, 2020

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Donald Trump

The Donald Trump is when you are banging someone with a leftwing political belief and right before you cum you holler at them that you voted for Trump! Hang on for the ride as they try buck you off. Like a rodeo ride.

Last night I was banging this chick, I told her I voted for Trump and she tried to buck me off like a bull! 8 second ride baby! I love doing the Donald Trump!

by Poopy Mcneckbeard October 31, 2019

42๐Ÿ‘ 596๐Ÿ‘Ž

The United States of Trump, Inc.

Trump is destroying America and our democracy to run it like a business.

America has been turned into the United States of Trump, Inc.

by US Patriot April 4, 2017

5๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pull a Trump

To build a wall to keep someone else out, whilst making them pay for it.

-"Ya' know, Donald is gonna Pull A Trump on them Mexicans, he might even build a wall around New Mexico"
--"Why would he do that?"
-"He doesn't want NEW Mexicans"

by Frisky Butts July 30, 2017

4๐Ÿ‘ 215๐Ÿ‘Ž

No Trump, No K.K.K., No Fascist U.S.A.!

The chant that triggered Social Justice Warriors yell when they don't get their way. Often accompanied with riots and arson. This phrase is most commonly heard at "peaceful" protests.

"No Trump, No K.K.K., No Fascist U.S.A.!"

by Ghetto Oregonian January 25, 2017

42๐Ÿ‘ 54๐Ÿ‘Ž