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S t to o as

a phrase used by people with an iq lower than their age meaning I’m stupid please help me

s t to o as
“bro shut up your so annoying

by a poompaloompa August 27, 2020


Someone who manically blames everything on others instead of taking responsibility for their wrongdoings.

Stop being such a gaslighting blame-o-maniac, Jessica!

by TiredKitten May 6, 2023

mano 'o' mano

when you go full warfare one on one man on man (don't think about) battle to the death

dude 1: minecraft is trash
dude 2: nah fam
the creepy world narrator: there going mano 'o' mano

by the-great-jet December 3, 2021

the holy o

A reaction that goes somewhere along the lines of HOLY OHHH

Baby I’m gonna show you why they call me the holy o

by Chemia33 October 25, 2017


The act of scrweing your girlfriend in a port-o-potty

I went to the concert last weekend & got hammered. Ended up getting a little Port-o-Booty at intermission from the girlfriend!

by IndyScan August 26, 2008

Abi o Neill

Abi o neill is rly odd when it comes to around people but has a sexy mom

Wow that mom is sexy her daughter must be abi o neill

by Bigjoemamma October 28, 2019


The phrase you say when you’re waiting for a response to your friendzone text

O-Mehr! Can he hurry up and answer my text even though I friendzoned him I don’t want him to hate me”

by jaudiwidbwbdvs January 21, 2018