A Sloppy Joe sandwich with caviar added on top.
"Our stimulus checks came in! You know what that means!"
"What? Askew Johns?"
"You're damn right! Break out the caviar!"
A sign of the utmost respect and gratitude and responsibility and friendship and leadership.
Person A: You are such a Brother John!
Person B: Thank you so much! I feel so respected and grateful and responsible and friendly and leaderly right now!
A johne dape is when your friend johne hits the dab so hard it becomes a dape
Man yesterday Johne hit the Johne dape so hard Maren fell in love with him
A curly headed, huncho, a boss man, one that never gives up, stays loyal to girls, he’s a class clown, athletic, and loves blue crisp hundred dollar bills, saves up his money to buys what he wants, a man that often gets his hard broken by special ones but is still able to act completeley normal and still keep it a 1000%, this kid is going big places, you better hold on tight tight to this one. He’s crazy In love with driving. Speeds like there isn’t any cops on the road, don’t drive a car unless it’s a foreign, and remeber shmoney talks you walk
Look at big chuck and little John coming In starting new gossip