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it's one of those things where someone takes a word that sounds like a different word to trick other people.

guy1: hey have you seen Joe?
guy2: who's Joe?
guy1: JOE MAMA
guy2: how dare you

by Dinosaws;) October 31, 2019


You've found it, after searching for so long you're about to find out who Joe is

(Definition Removed)

Anonymous:Have you heard of Joe?
Joe:That's me

by MX. Diction Ary August 3, 2021


the last thing you hear before death

guy 1: hey, joe has cancer
guy 2: who's joe?
guy 1: joe mamma
guy 2: *dies*

by neojr September 25, 2019


A massive dick. Looks quite gay and acts like a chav. He'll probably rape you and leave you for a horse. He is a bit dumb but looks so shit you don't care.

Look at Joe. Hahahahahahahah

by HarryP_93 April 14, 2019


Gay boy with Bad TikToks and claims that he has depression.

Joe is gay as hell

by GabeItch 68 October 29, 2020


I'm not sure, gonna go ask my friend.

A: Hey lad, who's Joe?
B: Joe mama!
A: God fucking damnit

by ButterFuks June 15, 2020


nice cock

Mike: yo joe how’s the load goin
Joe: load cok nice

by beatman1472 November 24, 2021