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poop sick

when you hace eaten so mush since your last poop that nothing more can go in until something goes out


- 'Hey do you want any shawarma?'
- 'No thanks, man, i'm real poop sick. It's been 3 days since I last dropped anchor'

by pricklypear69 May 19, 2024

poop blind

The urge to poop so bad you have tunnel vision for the bathroom.

Ray zoned out for half of the class. After yesterday’s breakfast burrito hit bottom he had gone poop blind.

by 367 September 27, 2018

poop noodle

one who has impacted shit particles lodged in dick hole

after anal I found a corn blossom on my penis with an attached poop noodle

by whamwww3433wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww May 14, 2016

poop noodle

After anal the male peer shits out of his dick.

OMG! You just made me poop noodle!

by #FORDSMACK May 11, 2015

Poop Noodle

When you have anal sex with someone and poop gets shoved into the urethra. When you pee afterwards, a small noodle of poop comes out.

Hey man I did butt stuff with Amy the other day! Afterwards I got a poop noodle.

by mobypenis March 17, 2022

Poop noodle

A long string of shit straight out the anus

Ohh i just had a 12 inch poop noodle come out my ass

by Buce bungus February 24, 2018

Poop max

Slang for big back, the verb per say of eating a large amount of food.

"let's go to the buffet to poop max"

by Wazi August 1, 2024