Dolci n' Gabaughn (noun): The proper way to pronounce an italian fashion brand (Dolce & Gabbana). Some people might say that it is pronounced differently but they are wrong and propably dont even have a huge chain around their neck as a sign of succes. If ever in doubt how to pronounce very expensive lables just ask the succesful music artist RiFF RAFF for he knows just the right way to say stuff the way it is said by classy rich folks.
Cool dude: "Look at ma Dolci n Gabaughn stuff it is not even fake or anything"
Not cool dude: "Really?"
Cool dude: "No actual its fake. One of their sweaters is like 500 bucks and i wouldnt pay that much for a piece of clothing!"
Simply when one consumes a HOT-RAIL up the shithole instead of the sniff hole. (HOT-RAIL BEING METHAMPHETAMEENS thru a hot glass tube)
Bro 1: Yo dood! You ever done a BOOF-N-SPOOF!!!!????
Bro 2: Naw man whats that?
Bro 1: Dood! Its a hot rail throuu the butt yo! GETS YOU SO GEEKED AND TWEEKED!
Bro 2: Man! Sounds METHED UP!(spoken with happy excited energetic laughter) I can't wait to try it!
Simply when one consumes a HOT-RAIL up the shithole instead of the sniff hole. (HOT-RAIL BEING METHAMPHETAMEENS thru a hot glass tube)
Bro 1: Yo dood! You ever done a BOOF-N-SPOOF!!!!????
Bro 2: Naw man whats that?
Bro 1: Dood! Its a hot rail throuu the butt yo! GETS YOU SO GEEKED AND TWEEKED!
Bro 2: Man! Sounds METHED UP!(spoken with happy excited energetic laughter) I can't wait to try it!
i like monkeys.... are you a monkey?
person 1: i like M O N K E Y
person 2: why?
person 1: Why Not?
Hating ass nigga disorder when a person is consistently a hater
have you gotten your potential H. A. N. D diagnosis yet
Smoke weed and chill, better than Netflix and chill
You tryna chief n chill?
Ya boiiiii
It's when someone comments N and another person replies to that comment saying I and another person replies to that comment saying G and guess what happens next.
Me: Oh god! why do I keep seeing these N chains everywhere
My friend: Ikr