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A supernatural living spirit that created the Earth and every living being. The God that Christians worship is this God; the one and only God. He is also the father of Jesus Christ, the man who died for our sins on the cross, and shed his blood for us. He is also linked with The Bible, because He is basically the author of it. The Bible contains much information to study about God. There are multiple ways you could name God. God, The Lord, The Living Spirit, etc.

"I'm going to church to worship God."

by imperfectcub178 December 3, 2022


God is a something that is higher than humans and everything and and created the heavens and the earth and will take you to heaven if you love him give your life to him and have a relationship with him

Anything that is good in your life or you like or is happy that is God anything that is bad or sad that is satan

by Hdhdidrrkdodjdjd July 23, 2021


Refers To The One

Synonym: Greeter Of Death
Acronym: Greatest Of Desire

Ex: I Wanted Death Till I Realized We’re All GOD

by TheExtremeGod0120 February 21, 2021


Liam Gallagher

There is no way. God is Liam Gallagher. And Liam Gallagher is God.

by jabronlames September 18, 2021


the creator of all things

and is NOT just dog backwards idk why yall gat to be so rude

Christian: There is one GOD

Muslim: Facts but its not Jesus
Christian: u sure bud?
Hindu: No there are over a trillion GODs
Pagan: Nah Mother Nature is god ngl
Christian, Muslim and Hindu: SHUT UP
Atheist: Have yall ever heard of science!

by SHLKNSBMB April 5, 2024


He has nothing nice to say about you

"I've mert God. He had nothing nice to say about you."

by SZASZUKEEEEEE May 9, 2022


An Almighty being with no boundaries to His powers

Jehovah is God

I thank God for my life

by Lyricalbeast September 10, 2020