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healthy and keeps you from dying

Water is heathy

by NO0o0o0oo July 4, 2023


Name of a song that caused a really dumb social media (e.g. TikTok, YouTube Shorts) trend of someone (usually the girl) in a influencer relationship to capture the significant other (usually the female) turning around to the music and then pretending to act as if you are in shock.

I can’t believe you turned around for the Water sound bite, imma totally frakeup with you.

by UrbanCruzer May 21, 2024


wet stuff that is in alot of places

'wow you just drank water'

by lololololololo9lololololololol June 16, 2023


Water is a substance (H2O) that can be commonly found in three states
1 - fluid 2 - gas 3 - solid

Water is almost everywhere,deal with it

by palotu, not lalotai December 5, 2017


Thunder juice, gives you strength speed and stops you from dying

I neeeeeeed!!! Water

by An h cu if dumb August 1, 2019


Something you drink to stay hydrated.

Is WaTeR wEt Or DrY!i!i

by l.dicklong.com April 21, 2019


a liquid that poisins you

yo wanna drink water
no it kills you <3

by gay231 July 31, 2021