The best channel in the world starring Rakhi, Shubam, Ayush and Saket
Yo The Random Bros is the best channel Ever
Something white Gen Zs say because they desperately wish they were born black. Generally, these insufferable retards grew up with two loving parents, green grass, a trampoline, and a cheerful family dog named something like “Teddy” or “Buddy”.
*someone does something mischievous*
“Bro is an absolute menace 😭😭😭😭💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀😈😈😈😈😈”
A slang term often used by losers and or wannabe gangsters. This phrase is especially annoying when paired with any recent meme. Just another awful slang term popularized by tiktok. The birthplace of everything evil and sinful.
Bro is a basement dwelling hoodspeaking baby
Secret slang for men who like to hook up and experiment sexually with other men.
Her: you and Tim sure do seem to be hanging out a lot lately
Me: What? Tim? Yeah, we're drinkin bros
Moms life bro means that you love your mother and your brother by saying moms life bro
Me: My moms life bro. are the best life ever