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Type your definition here...

Word. Type an example of how it's used in a sentence...

by tecopux May 6, 2021


Something dumb ass people say to other dumbasses like yourself.

What are words?

by Allie ba-ba January 13, 2025


Type your definition here...

Type an example of how it's used in a sentence... its a word

by imtoolazy togetAnameso lu9t86g October 4, 2021


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Type an example of how it's used in a sentence...

Word c:

by Crixz November 3, 2018


A combination of letters arranged in a specific order.

"What is your favourite word?"

by iEatElders March 28, 2018


Type your definition here...

Type an example of how it's used in a sentence...

by WordDictionary October 9, 2018


Word... Was originally spoken in NY. City. During the early 90s By emcees and people in the hip hop culture as a means to alert their conversation speakers attention to the fact that they themselves are engaged in active listening.

Example... "Word... Word...... Ok... Ok...

Shouldn't even happen in the first place ... Word .. word up ... Word ... Word? Hmmm..."

Atrabionica, did you know that the government wants to hire you to run a secret operation, and pay you in gold notes......? ...


Yes and I tell you more ..

"Word up"

Ok so here the news ....

"Word.... Word? Ok.... Word?......... Word."

by ATRABIONICA December 23, 2023