An ecstatic goat with loads of energy. He will turn any frown into a smile. He is the life of every party and will slut drop on anything.
Amazing guy with a massive cock.
Don't we all need a James-John in our life.
I wish I had a James-John here tonight!
a person who is overely obsessed with video games mainly call of duty , is a ginger
1: im not playin cod
2: wow ur gay
1: dude ur being a john saupp
Shit prick how can't finish his chances in pro clubs what a wank stain like
Johna John is a branch of species from homosapiens, belonging to the family Hominidae, and the order Primates. They are very rare to find and are very informative to observe. 'Johna John' behaviour is very complex and retarded; they are the most inarticulate species ever to find on Earth, and have been around since 190,000 B.C.E. However they die out due to their low levels of intelligence, and so are very rare to find.
John was walking through the evergreen, lush forest, trekking through the undergrowth, when he found a Johna John bent double, licking water from a pond with algae infested water.
Johna John is a branch of species from homosapiens, belonging to the family Hominidae, and the order Primates. They are very rare to find and are very informative to observe. 'Johna John' behaviour is very complex and retarded; they are the most inarticulate species ever to find on Earth, and have been around since 190,000 B.C.E. However they die out due to their low levels of intelligence, and so are very rare to find.
John was walking through the evergreen, lush forest, trekking through the undergrowth, when he found a Johna John bent double, licking water from a pond with algae infested water.