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Rocks in my pudding

A term refering to rough anal sex with a tall fat man.

Man, Adam dropped some serious rocks in my pudding last night

by Kevin James 3rd June 28, 2022

rabbit on a rock

A person on a person doing the doing

You both were probably like a rabbit on a rock last night

by Thatpotato February 6, 2018

Chris Rocked it

verb - to display grace and focus while under assault.

Man, that chick went Will Smith on me! But I kept it together. Got the job done. Totally Chris Rocked it.

by DJ Ron Shaft April 12, 2022

salt the rocks

when you does the reach around at her grandparents funeral and her dad gives you a little wink

Yo i know it was a weird first date but did she salt the rocks?

by EPOCHWinery February 14, 2021

wet a rock

to pee outside

excuse me while i go wet a rock

by kalibrator January 10, 2018

rock em sock em freak

rock em sock em freaks are sexually attracted to rock em sock em.

Friend: My sisters boyfriend took the rock em sock em game.
Friend goes to the restroom and fucks the toy like rock em sock em freak

by Thankful Deer May 9, 2023

rock golf

the act of throwing rocks of a chairlift at certain objects on the ground. each object has a certain point value.

"alex destroyed max in rock golf today on the way down"

by alex July 16, 2004