A term refering to rough anal sex with a tall fat man.
Man, Adam dropped some serious rocks in my pudding last night
A person on a person doing the doing
You both were probably like a rabbit on a rock last night
verb - to display grace and focus while under assault.
Man, that chick went Will Smith on me! But I kept it together. Got the job done. Totally Chris Rocked it.
when you does the reach around at her grandparents funeral and her dad gives you a little wink
Yo i know it was a weird first date but did she salt the rocks?
rock em sock em freaks are sexually attracted to rock em sock em.
Friend: My sisters boyfriend took the rock em sock em game.
Friend goes to the restroom and fucks the toy like rock em sock em freak
the act of throwing rocks of a chairlift at certain objects on the ground. each object has a certain point value.
"alex destroyed max in rock golf today on the way down"