"I've never seen any evidence that anyone can walk on it" ~ Some guy. Ha! Brilliant! He didn't kike that at all did he? Hahahahaha! You know what would have really fucked with him though? "What is a woman?" Well... Isn't it obvious? It's someone with a female soul, of course! When you go to heaven will you continue to be a man? "God wouldn't put a female soul in a human body!" You don't know that. God works in mysterious ways. It might amuse him. Do you purport to speak for God?
Hym "Ha! That water shit was good, boy! He does not like that parallel being draw because it means he doesn't get to use his religion to boss everyone around. Hehehehe... Too funny. That's why I 'Don't exist.' By the way. It was good good though. Props for stepping into the ring."
mm that water was really good
bro the soup you just had looks good
What you put with your cereal cause your dad never came back with the milk.
Man 1- "yo bro, can I have some milk?"
Man 2- "Fam, dad hasnt come back with it yet"
Man 1- "So what do I put with my cereal"
Man 2- "Water is what you put with your cereal"
a colorless, transparent, odorless liquid that forms the seas, lakes, rivers, and rain and is the basis of the fluids of living organisms.
a stretch or area of water, such as a river, sea, or lake.
"the lawns ran down to the water's edge"
one of the four elements in ancient and medieval philosophy and in astrology (considered essential to the nature of the signs Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces).
"a water sign"
the water of a mineral spring as used medicinally for bathing in or drinking.
plural noun: the waters
"resorts where southerners came to take the waters"
a solution of a specified substance in water.
"ammonia water"
"My friend offered me a glass of water"
"He watered the plants in the yard"