“Green FN”
“what’s FN mean?”
“How did you get in my house?”
“Why were you under my bed?”
“How did you sneak into my vents?”
“Where my hug at?”
Used as an exclamation to when you succeed in som, especially making a shot in basketball or similar to basketball
Green fn when it's not abbreviated means "green fuhnigga"
*Shoots basketball* *goes in net* "green fn"
Green f*cking ni**a
Someone with game that great , they can get anyone they want without even trying that hard.
"Yo look at him. He's not leaving any bi*ches for us."
"You say it man. He's such a green fn!"
a 2k video was posted where a player shot and it was a full green bar, which he later exclaimed "Green fuck nigga"
Which is typically used when someone has succeeded a devious task.
👩 🦰: you have a lot of things on your mind omg
👨 🦰: yeah, you and my thoughts
Green FN
This relates to the meter in NBA2K indicating the shot, and FN meaning "Fuck Nigga"
Girl: howd you get in my house?
Boy: howd u get so gorgeous
boy: green fn
a word that goes back to NBA 2k whenever you scored you'd get a green flag, and alot of people who play basketball are darkskin, AKA a stereotype. fn means f*ck n**ga, obviously the N word is reffered as to black people, whenever a bastket ball player or anyone scores a goal into something, you yell "green fn!" green means you made it, reffering to the green flag in NBA 2K, then fn.
Jason : -Scores a goal in basketball-
Bobby : "Green fn!"
Jason : "Bro your white"