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Oh my gosh is that an Oskar boy!
Emo: oskar

by Shaniqua2021 June 9, 2021


Eat me out

YES DADDY!!!! Emo😫

by Christheballer January 31, 2019


robert matthew domey

he’s in his robert matthew domey era because he’s emo

by robert domey May 12, 2023


First off emo was a type of music now its screamo emo is not music nscicarally ... its kids who have depression and other problems and would rather hurt them selfs than others u guys sit here and make fun of emos bc their so stupid well bitch im emo and id like u to fuck off bc emo kids are no diffrent we all dont have died hair and wear scarrfies and shit like that thats sterotype. And there is a diffrence from scence smo and goth

Goth ur big with black and dont like ppl

Emo u hurt ur self and u dont like ur self
Scence act like emos but arent ok so u fucktards get that in ur damn heads!!!! XD

babe what do gou call kids who cut their selfs

Oh emos ..... why
Bc my friend is one

by turtle_loving_pandabear-bizz September 5, 2014


Emo is a sensitive person who acts tough but is hurting inside. My chemical romance is goth not emo and emos cut themselves because they can't hurt and get rid of the problem causing them pain. The other definitions are retarded, take it from a real emo.

A person who dresses in black and cuts their wrist, they are hurting inside and have scars on their arms. Emo

by Emo Chicka March 30, 2009


Emo is a style of music and clothes. Emo means emotionaly misunderstood overated or it can mean emo core or emotionaly unstable.

Dont hate-im emo!


Emotionally unstable

by anna handy March 24, 2015


Emo is a style of music and clothes. Emo means emotionaly misunderstood overated or it can mean emo core or emotionaly unstable.

Dont hate-im emo!


Emotionally unstable

by anna handy March 24, 2015