1.)The act of telling someone something they dont care about repeatedly.
Meat macker. ) “ dont nobody care about that car nigga its slow af stop posting it ive told u that 5 times🤣”
Person.) “nigga stop meat mackin me u still walk to work thats why i left you on open 4 times”
Pleat meat is the asshole.
She bent over so far i could see her pleat meat.
Hate meat. Adjective. A term used to describe sex with someone who doesn’t share your political and moral beliefs.
Girl: “I'm kind of crushing on this guy and am considering sleeping with him. He is a devoted gun proponent and an advocate for police brutality. It's safe to say he worships Trump, and even safer to say he hates women. He will probably end up draping me with a confederate flag while thrusting his hate meat into my lifeless body. Should I go for it?”
Girl 2: “You better take that hate meat, girl!”
A handjob.
Alder: I beat Claire's meat and it felt good!
Claire: I also did the same to you, we should do this again. Another time?
An Example of a sentence about beating another's meat.
Meat ranch is another word for cum.
I painted her face with my meat ranch, it was so boss hog.
It like holding a person hostage but you still kill him. You use him as bait kind of.
Buttsniff |||: Can you kill me now?
Me: NO! I'm tenderizing the meat.
Meat that’s gotten so bad that it looks like it from space
Tim: I should probably take out that meat in the fridge, it’s been there forever
Jake: Yeah you should, it’s beginning to look like Moon Meat