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eye bee sew we todd it

Have your friends read this phrase fast and aloud several times for a quick IQ estimate, so you have it "l be so retarded!"

Let's do that IQ test now fast, until we stop you read "eye bee sew we todd it."

by I, Wreckerrr December 9, 2020

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inverted panda's eyes

The white tan-line left around your eyes from where you were sunbathing whilst wearing sunglasses.

Ha look at him! He's been sunbathing with them glasses all day and he's gone and got inverted panda's eyes

by mortified0ne1 April 13, 2011

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Popped your eyes out

When your beefin with someone and they look at you, and then their eyes get all big. Usually paired with neck rolling, attitude, and perhaps a snap of the fingers.

Dang girl! I didn't know your eyes were so big until you popped your eyes out at me!

by Tinamaylee January 12, 2011

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Ey up mi duck

A greeting used only in the British county of Nottinghamshire,mostly used in the city of Nottingham

Ey up mi duck,can I buy a cob fora quid?

by YoloMenace001 March 30, 2020

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Slouching Red Eye Gay

Someone that slouches and get piss off easily to kids wearing caps specially black ones. Someone with reddish ugly eyes (seems that he's watching male to male porn each night, I can tell by just looking at his ridiculous eyes), walk and talk like an abnormal child (autistic, mongoloid, special child). Pretends that he's smart even not. With also a very bad taste on fashion. And he's gay.

Gabriel Dy of Tacloban: Hey, you take off that cap or I'll suck your dick.
Boy: Yeah right, okay-okay.
Gabriel Dy of Tacloban: Show some respect to me even though I suck dicks. *Cries and walk away*
Boy: Damn, that slouching red eye gay, have been watching male to male porn again, tsk tsk.

by stainsonkeyboards187 June 25, 2009

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Sponge blog Square eyes

A dumb ass who sux like a sponge & uses the internet just for chatting & blogging and spends hours a day doing that.

1) A looser with a myspace account, chatting on msn while he or she meets new people in some chatroom.

2)anyone with a blog & friends they havn't even met in real life.

3)"My cuz is such a sponge blog square eyes. she dosent even like sponge bob square pants"

by Szymn. M August 4, 2006

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Eyes are bigger than your dick

When she's way out of your league

Hey Anthony, check out that broad over there!

Careful Sam, your eyes are bigger than your dick.

by El Presidente 420 April 7, 2017