To have a rap battle with someone
Cam:Hey bro heard u thought u was a better rapper
Susie:that’s cuz I am cuh
Cam:oh hell nah bluh ay let lip box this shit.
when a person has a very square, broad face and a very wide mouth they are said to have a letter box face. This is because their square shaped head looks like a door, and their mouth would be the letter box. If a man has a large beard,aswell as a letter box face, they would also have a welcome mat.
"his mouth is so wide and his face is so square that he looks a bit like a letter box." said jill.
"yeah he has a letter box face." said mollie
"and he also has a long beard" said jill
" thats his welcome mat" said mollie
a girl who brings a juice box to class everyday
“here comes juice box jayla”
A person who likes to go down on woman can be used as an insult to a woman or as a joke to a male
What are you talking about you box biter
An attractive girl of Asian descent
"Bro, have you seen that exchange student from China?" Total wok box, would bang."
Hudson, that lil bih from the bedhead readhead and steadhead
AKA the ugly skinny creepy weirdo with no life
Yo your'e such a bully nerd box water boy.
A box for especially cool Witches and Wizards
Ginny performed such an exemplary Stunning Spell that she was sent to the Uggle Box as a reward.