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Donald J. Trump

The most rotten orange i've ever seen bishh he is stupid,ugly,fat,orange,old,pedophile and ect.

DONALD J. TRUMP is stupid lol

by mydogAvery4 December 1, 2020

811πŸ‘ 136πŸ‘Ž

Donald J. Trump

The most ugliest rotten orange I have ever seen ugh he is arrogant,fat,stupid,old, and ects.

Donald J. Trump is a bish

by mydogAvery4 December 1, 2020

241πŸ‘ 138πŸ‘Ž

Donald Trump

The 'You-know-who' of the modern times. The most entertaining President of the United States. Put everyone to shame when he won the 2016 elections by surprise. Arrogant. Ambitious. A billionaire.
He was the fuel for most of network tv news coverage from 2016 to well, even now? He is known for getting banned and identifying fake news.
Fake news!
His end was ironically because of fake news. And twitter addiction. And a lot of other things like Giuliani?

"How much does that Donald Trump wig cost? - A billion dollars? Hell naw!"

by Truthisbitter July 29, 2021

20πŸ‘ 61πŸ‘Ž

Reverse Trump Derangement Syndrome

When you're so worried about criticism of Trump that you fail to rationally distinguish between a reasonable concern and an outright attack.

BB bitches all have Reverse Trump Derangement Syndrome like the cultist asswipes they are!

by Liberal Joe November 8, 2018

11πŸ‘ 95πŸ‘Ž

Why Trump Cooks the Books

When the serially bankrupt Liar-in-Chief has zero choice but to continually massage the numbers to keep his oft-shady businesses afloat, because failure to do so would β€œmake Trump bankrupt again” and in all probability land him behind bars.

For a corrupt β€œbillionaire” who is showing sign of declaring bankruptcy a seventh time, it’s no surprise why Trump cooks the books to avoid incompetency, insolvency, infamy, and imprisonment.

by MathPlus February 26, 2021

90πŸ‘ 148πŸ‘Ž

Donald J. Trump

A synonym for megalomania.
Also used about conspiracy theorists/terrorists. "Trumping all over the web".
Informally used about insecure, misogynistic men with micropenis affliction. "He's got a trump in his pants!"
Also used about somebody fucking up your day out of pure malevolence and infantile sadism.

That trump over there doesn't belive in vaccines! People like that are totally donald j. Trumping' my day!

by C3ntropy January 8, 2021

2379πŸ‘ 141πŸ‘Ž

Donald Jerk Trump

1. The lowest point and the absolute worst excuse for a President in US history. He is a racist rapist daughter-molesting uncouth loudmouth pervert traitor kidnapping fascist boorish juvenile immature bullying SMF stupid obnoxious Caligula egotistical Hitler Antichrist greedy blowhard arrogant pornographic vuvuzela blubbering ill-mannered cretinous criminal dictatorial unreliable unprincipled obtuse irresponsible unqualified undisciplined churlish terroristic hateful Qadhafi pesty annoying irritating underfoot rude crude lewd obscene vulgar childish embarrassing self-effaced narcisstic murderous lying thieving cheating unfaithful violent hypocritical blasphemous self-serving sacrilegious defiling unamerican unchristian unmuslim unjewish ungodly evil whining wimpy sissy ninny fraidy-cat mama's-boy spankee-boy crybaby diaper-stinking tantrum-throwing pissy motormouth lippy punkass instigating rotten dirty disgusting repulsive disgraceful intrusive hell-hound dum-dum pissant s.o.b. bastard.
2. Anybody who has some, most or all of the above listed traits. The type of person you DON'T invite to a party, social function or ask for a date. Nobody likes, needs or really has the time for trash like these. The kind to be avoided by all means.

1. Donald Jerk Trump was put in his place by the next President, Joe Biden. Douchebag Donnie was bragging and interrupting and twice Joe had to tell him, 'Will you shut up, man?'. Donald Jerk Trump is the most sociopathic and hated person in the world. He will become a model for teaching the children in schools, Sunday school, etc. of what NOT to be.
2. Aaron is talking ignorant trash again. He's acting like a Donald Jerk Trump.

3. Willie Nelson says: 'Mamas, Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Donald Jerk Trump.
4. Donald Jerk Trump is a poster boy for condoms and birth control.

by I Saw U2 Live Twice December 27, 2021

663πŸ‘ 112πŸ‘Ž