To show devotion to another element in turn to pick them up at they’re lowest or highest esteem.
Bobby I love you! Poop ScoopZ!
A munyanyo shes a kind person and a munyanyo she likes being funny and she’s a munyanyo
Small turds when you're taking a dump
When going to the bathroom this morning all I did was jellybean poop.
Shaking the buttock quickly in an up and down motion with the hips, spreading the shaker's "cheeks" to present the anus, often to hypnotized onlookers. This is done repeatedly, mostly on all fours, in a frog-like position. More professional presenters are able to deliver said movement while in a sumo style (wide) stance standing. The Poop Shute Presentation can be abbreviated to it's more common street/bedroom/pool party name of "PCP".
1) Mildred was shocked to see a young woman doing the Poop Chute Presentation (PCP) in front of the hams in the meat section at Vons.
2) Women were hypnotizing the boys doing the Poop Chute Presentation (PCP) at the clubs in Miami. The boys were making it rain for them.
3) Becky took me to the VIP room to do the Poop Chute Presentation (PCP) in private, but I left 'cause she was nasty.
when a person pushes a shit out and sucks it back in (groundhogging it) until they cum
"Man, I was such a poop gooner last night, I nearly shit the bed!"
2👍 1👎
A cleaner alternative to saying steeler shit.
When I saw how many scuffs were on the floor I said "Pittsburgh poop"