The pacey effect is the hypothesis that you will always lose a video game when playing with that one particular friend.
Person A: Have you played ranked with Pacey?
Person B: Yeah man, we always lose.
Person A: That's the pacey effect man.
a term used in League of Legends to describe that a champion feels broken as long as it's played on the enemy team
Commentator: "Hiva's Zyra got punished. The wave got pushed out pre 6. This should not happen."
Commentator 2: "That's the yasuo effect. A champion is overpowered unless he is played on your team."
Noun: The sensation you experience when quickly standing up, causing reality to warp into an indescribable darkness and inability to comprehend sounds around you
“Dude, when I got up just now I had a total Helen Keller Effect”
When a girl has joined a sorority and immediately starts acting as if she is better than everybody else and sort of like an asshole more than a woman of class.
I can't believe the aka effect has already gotten to Kira, she used to be so nice.
if your life is going well, or if you get a random streak of good luck or if you just feel super happy and contented in any moment, its the kevin effect
person A: my luck has never been so good
person b: its the kevin effect
its when things you thought happened didn't actually happen. It is the result of us entering a new alternate universe everytime the Mayans predict the world will end
did you hear about the new mandala effect? I coulda sworn katy perry was a boy
The phenomena when a really nice individual inspires undeserved hatred in some one. The hater typically can't pinpoint a reason for the hatred, but it resides nonetheless.
Jack is a really good dude, but he has the Delahoya effect on me. I hate him.