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a meter to measure iffu give a fuck or not.

idgaf. the fuck-o-meter says so”

by and they were room mates. April 21, 2020


A device used to read the amount of fucks someone gives about an object or event

The fuck-O-meter detected that Dave gave 0 fucks about his Spanish quiz

by Tekashi woof woof January 27, 2020


my face when I found out that you touched my spagheT without my consent

and then I eat your toes and vomit them into your belly button that I widened with my tongue


by Big_Sussy_Amogus October 8, 2021

Steve-O Method

The Steve-O method is a method used to get 10% off Macbooks from Steve Wozniak. The Steve-O method involves Jackass star Steve-O and American entrepreneur and electrical engineer Steve Wozniak. This method was created by Majestic all rights reserved.

The Steve-O method is better than all the other methods

by Laflamme January 7, 2024


The female version of a dick pic

Girl: send me a dick pic...
Guy: only if you send me a clam-o-gram first...

by Clam go January 4, 2021


The most sweet and effortlessly beautiful girl you will meet. if she calls you a friend you are incredibly lucky. she is confident and loves sex, she sometimes lies to make her life more interesting and she does it with out realizing; after she stops and thinks about what she said and feels bad. She loves the beach and wishes she could spend every second of everyday on the beach. she loves food but never seems to gain an ounce. Her biggest dream is to be a model and travel the world with her closest friends. she seems like someone that is a big softie but she has been through what seems hell and back. she cries a lot but she is tough and has a bad habit of trusting people too fast. her friends are the most important thing to her and if you hurt her it won't ever be the same. she seem ok but she isn't.

my friend, "o(liv)ia" and i are going to the beach.

by oopiespoopsie October 21, 2020

Cosby Jell-O

The steamy mixture that ejects from the penis after marinating it in a bowl of Jell-O

1."Let's watch Bill Cosby"
"Naw let's make Cosby Jell-O"

2. A girl at a bar asks you to buy her a drink. In response, "how about a Cosby Jell-O? Bitches love Cosby Jell-O."

by Cosby Sweater June 30, 2013