An amazing guy who is always there to brighten your day. He has the sweetest smile and the most beautiful green-blue eyes. He is friendly, yet sensitive, but would do anything to make his girl feel the happiest. He would do anything for you.
He loves video games, and just being himself. He's great with children and is very loveable. He has dark brown hair and a beautiful body. He cares about how your personality is compared to your looks. A gorgeous individual. He loves what he loves and would not care on what others say about it. He likes bikes, motorbikes.
A common phrase used to sarcastically refer to a small cohort of people for which one has a fondness, closeness, or endearment towards. The phrase intends to convey the smallness of the aforementioned group - the "3" is superfluous and really just there for comedic effect.
I love my cat, and maybe 3 people.
The definition of a woman worse than a Karen. Face like a cats arse and feet like a banshee. Constant whinging and complaining about anything and everything in life. Natural selection needs to take her out. No bloke on planet earth can deal with her shit except some Santa Clause looking motherfucker named Philip.
That bitch is a 3 husband Jules.
On October 19th, if you are 5’6 3/4 then prepared to get came on! Preferably in the mouth. Gang bangs are allowed and recommended. So watch out!
National 5’6 3/4 Jizz on Day :
Friend: “It’s the 19th of October, open wide!”
Friend 2: “Please don’t do this..”
*fills mouth with sticky cum and creampies*
Raebeautiful Is a bad bish she deserve 1B fanpages/ you hate .raebeautiful read that backwards ❤️
it means gud or sum like that
have a EscF1F2F3F4F5F6F7F8F9F10F11F12PrtScInsertDelete~`1!2@3#4$5%6^7&8*9(0)-_=+BackspaceTabQWERTYUIOP{}\|CapsLkASDFGHJKL;:'"EnterShiftZXCVBNM,<.>/?ShiftCrtlFnAltS p a c e AltCrtlHomePgUpPgDnEnd weekend bruh
A brilliant thing to do when one is feeling so FRIGGIN BORED, that one tries to literally gulp up the urban dictionary, leaving maybe a single grain of sand behind, but guess what, this word is PART of that single grain of sand!
have a EscF1F2F3F4F5F6F7F8F9F10F11F12PrtScInsertDelete~`1!2@3#4$5%6^7&8*9(0)-_=+BackspaceTabQWERTYUIOP{}\|CapsLkASDFGHJKL;:'"EnterShiftZXCVBNM,<.>/?ShiftCrtlFnAltS p a c e AltCrtlHomePgUpPgDnEnd weekend bruh.