Good is a word with many distinct meanings, including but not limited to:
* Positiveness (a generally positive connotation)
* Negativeness (a generally negative connotation)
* Indifference
* Go fuck yourself (similar to indifference but more malicious)
A prime example of a usage of the word the that covers most of the above meanings is the exchange.
“Hey, how are you doing?”
Had the “good” in this exchange been referring to the positive meaning, the exchange would be grammatically incorrect (“good” should be replaced with “well”). Therefore responding to this question with “Good” means you are not doing well, or you don’t want to say so.
An example of “good” with a positive meaning is:
“Who’s a good boy?”
“Who’s a good girl?”
This in fact is the only correct usage of positive good because the only good in this world are dogs and other pets.
If placed in the context of a teamspeak client of a video game called league of legends mean literally anyonhe other thank nic, greg, envy and sometimes goeff
do anyone that is good want to play legolands
A better way of saying the phrase “Good Night”
User 1: UGHCTq good
User 2: UGHCTq good
User 3: UGHCTq good
when used by a female, they probably mean "lol you suck" or "ew no"
"Look look, I found a turtle!"
"Good job"
The 2 most harmful words in the english language
Person 1: look how good i am at drumming
Person 2: good job