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Pulled a john

1) to pussy out of a fight

2) to talk shit 50 feet away then walk away

1) man I was bouta fight this niqqa but then he pulled a john

2) this niqqa talked shit from across the hall then got up and walked away man that niqqa pulled a john

by tig310 May 21, 2014

john bateson

Likes to swing both ways, thinks he knows it all, but a very nice guy deep down

Hot sexy bisexual john bateson

by Wee john November 4, 2013

William John Rudge

A not-so-civilised gentleman who can always be found in a discord call solo queuing ranked on Rainbow Six Seige. Takes them 300 ranked games to get into silver.

“I was solo queuing ranked earlier
“Your being such a William John Rudge”
"I can't be a William John Rudge, I got to gold in 50 games"

by Mozhatescucumbers September 9, 2024

John Radiohead

John Radiohead is the visionary behind the iconic band Radiohead. As the sole member, he has single-handedly crafted a diverse and influential discography that has captivated audiences worldwide. John Radiohead is rarely seen in public due to his devout hatred of rock music and efforts to avoid it. John Radiohead is truly regarded as the most influential artist of our time.

Tom: Wow I love the Amnesiac album so much.
York: Did you know that John Radiohead played every instrument on the album?
Tom: What!!! That's crazy, John Radiohead is so talented!

by bxrp January 28, 2025

Michael John

Another word for a cigarette

Person 1- fancy a michael John?
Person 2- avislyyyy

by whatyoulikeyou September 19, 2020

jimmy johns shitdick

when u had jimmy johns earlier in the day, then get fucked in the ass.

Defined by the lovely "ally"

After he fucked me in the ass I turned around to give him top but he had jimmy johns shitdick, courtesy of me

by your mother120894203729857 December 7, 2017

Opper Johns

A cop

Run the opper johns are coming.

by Opperjohn May 31, 2023