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St Ursulas

The place where most of us grew up, it is probably the most memorable place that we could pass by, we hold so many stupid memories there like I’m gonna make you gay, earthworm sally and so many more.

I’m gonna miss u all

You: have you heard of that great school?
Me: if it’s that great it must be St ursulas

by Imgonnamakeyougay July 23, 2019

4👍 2👎

St. Foo

1) The capital of the great state (not) of Minnesota. It is extremely cold in the winter and mind-numbingly humid in the summer. Enjoi St. Foo.

2) A modification on the spelling of a familiar acronym in internet chat. See stfu.

1)Saint Foo is f'n cold dude! Let's get our @$$e$ out of St. Foo 'fo we freez!

2)Hey! You! STFU!!!

by Sha'i July 11, 2006

4👍 2👎

St. Petersburg

1. A city in Russia close to the capital of Moscow.

2. A city in Florida that thinks it is as cool as the city in Russia.

Laurie: Where was that cracker born?
Lillian: You mean mike? St. Petersburg.
Laurie: Oh right, I always knew he was rushing, I mean Russian.

Dale: Isn't St. Petersburg in Florida?
Nick: Yeah, but the one is Russia is so much better of a city to visit.

by Blcros97 January 7, 2009

68👍 86👎

St. Benedict

SBS is a school of which the students cause so much drama it is stupid. People lying, backstabbing, flirting/makeing out with people they don't like, and ignoring the ones they do. This school has its fair share of retards, but also has some decent people. /Most/ of the are cool and you don't know it till it's too late.
Saint Benedict might suck like heck now, but after you leave, you'll be wanting it back. You don't know what you've got until it's gone.

Enjoy what you've got when you've got it. St. Benedict is pretty cool sometimes.

by hmm. . . . . .? October 7, 2005

13👍 12👎

st als

The literal hell hole. Who must really hate your self if you decide to come here.

Person1:did you hear Erin went to st als.
Person2: She must really hate herself

by Dumbass_Donkey October 8, 2020

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St Mary's

St. Mary´s College of Maryland. A small liberal arts college in southern Maryland located on the St. Mary´s River. The population is generally liberal and into the outdoors. Students at the college can be found in their natural environment partying outside around a bonfire. These fires can be had either at the Point, a point on the other side of the graveyard or in North Woods, the woods just north of campus. There is a swamp called Vietnam that is a favorite hang out of some students.

There are students with popped collars but they are not well accepted by the generally student body and are generally seen as a sub par group of human beings. There are pop collared folks who are all right but generally this doesn´t fly.

The college has a strong devotion to the water front...the docks or the river are the place to be. The environment of St. Mary´s is extremely relaxed and it is often called Camp St. Mary´s. We have an annual card board boat race and an annual naked bike ride. Both are horridly important to the wellbeing of the students.

Its a great place to study, live and hang out, but remember a popped collar is not the embodiment of the college.

Bathing is option. Clothing is optional. The river is essential.

Girl...Hey man lets head to the waterfront.

Guy...Hold on, I´m trying to find some Boh.

St Mary's ...babes on boats with boh.

by the bend in the river April 6, 2010

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St. Albert

Located northwest of Edmonton, Alberta, is a dump specifically for french white trash also known as St. Albert. St. Albert is full of teen shitheads who will swear at you in French if you kick their sorry assholes in any sport. Their lockers at school are more messier than the dumpster fires in their trailer parks because of all the French onion soup and baguettes they have in their lockers. Another name for St. Albert is Doucheville.

Oh yeah, St. Albert is full of fuckwagons!

by Gursehajtheduck November 21, 2018

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