March 20
If you know someone born on this day and if there name starts with an P you must give him a Blow job (People born into March 20th and have a name that starts with an I must receive a Blowjob.)
(i stole this but oh well)
Welp.. Peter is born on March 20th... guess I’ll give him head.
national give your girlfriend your hoodie day!
bro did you hear? it’s march 20th, give your gf a hoodie day!
Nation, every female must give sujit a hug day and every make must say eenie meenie bomboclat
Well look at the date! Its March 20th!
If your birthday is December 20th 2007 you are an angel sent down from heaven born to bless every soul you spend time with. Not to mention that you have a massive dick along with a great personality and looks.
Dang Jacob was born on December 20th 2007 he must be here to bless me with that big dick!