Red colored hi tec in a (preferably Styrofoam) double cup, often referred to in rap/hip hop
Yo dis bloody cup got me rollin
When a geographical area has nothing to offer and everybody with the ability to leave moves out. This leaves a very small dating pool for those that remain. Thus, instead having a gene pool, the area has a gene cup which leads to inbreeding.
Shane, did you ever notice there are only three last names in Davis county?
Yah, the gene cup is pretty small there. Half the kids in Brandi’s class drew a family stick when she had them draw their family trees.
The art of "cup"ping an individuals buttock whilst simultaneously "tug"ging your member. Preferably whilst the individual in question is sleeping / passed out drunk.
Bill: Did you hear that Sarah got given the cup and tug by a random media owner last night? She was completely passed out drunk!
Chris: Yeah that was all kinds o' nasty!
AKA cuppa shield
A term used to say that 'fortnite' is not a fun game for them.
'cup of shield' came from the saying 'not my cuppa tea (cup of tea).
1:Do you play fortnite battle royale?
2:Nah, I don't like it.
1:Why not?
2:Ah mate, fortnite is just not my cup of shield.
1-a cup with a spatula
2- a very important thing or person in your life
Person1: your my spatula cup
Person2: what does that mean
Person1: very important person
everyone: awwwwww 🥰
"Dude it was like diving into a huge jello cup, it was just gooey and wet"