Harley is a kind guy who is only ever mean when nobody else is around to see. Harley is a gamer and likes to play shooter games and binge watch Family Guy. Lots of people like Harley because he is a handsome and smart person. If Harley comes up to you and asks you out, (as long as your not a boy) you would under no circumstance deny that opportunity. Harley, when he is helping people solve something he doesn't just tell them the answer but instead shows them how he would work out that problem so they are able to do it again without his help in hopes they would be able to learn.
Charisma: "Omg, did Harley just ask you out? Man you got soooo lucky!"
Yeventine: "Yeah, he did!" "I am so lucky and fortunate to get asked out by him!"
Example #2:
Brody: "Hey Harley, can i get some help?" "I am stuck on this one question."
Harley: "Sure, i'll help out any day. So Brody, what can i help you with?
Very strong bulky and loyal a really good boy loves to live life how it is and only likes big back gyals.
A Person that only buys point fives
I Harley my three that party last night
A name used by superior pet owners to refer to their dog."
"Harley, walkies!"
"Let us name this dog Harley!"
Harley, is the most beautiful girl you will ever she has a big heart and an even bigger bunda xxx
Yo is that Harley with the big bunda
Harley is hitlers wife has a gay best friend and a random ginger person in her life they all lead sad life's but Harley is a bitch
DI'd you see that Harley bloody hitters wife
Harley gets sad and points but knows how to deal with that. She loves softball and loves sunflowers and never gives up! She is a bitch if you mess wit her... So i wouldn't. She doesn't like the fake hoes!
"Bro did you see Harley yesterday at the softball field?"