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Entitled kid

A kid that thinks everything is his and usually is the kid of a entitled parent

Ek aka entitled kid: give me your phone
Nice man:no

by Real man 84 July 18, 2019

17πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

kid toucher

A pedophile

Don't let Justin babysit your kids; word on the street is he's a kid toucher.

by Professor Precious March 5, 2015

19πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

quiet kid

The kid that sits in the back of the class and usually keeps to themselves. Some people think they're weird or emo or gay, but to me they're pretty chill. Most of them don't talk because they are anxious and don't have very good social skills. Or they just dont like you. Sometimes they have friends, but they talk to them awkwardly or dont even want to be friends in the first place but they dont want to sound rude.

Person 1: "What group were you in when you were in high school?"
Person 2: "I was a quiet kid. I never really liked socializing and only talked when I needed to."

by picklebutt230 February 2, 2023

24πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

swing kid

A child that has swingers for parents.

Hey guys craigs a swing kid. His parents totally went to that swingers convention last tuesday.

by chadillacs November 1, 2008

20πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Kid Cudi

Kid Cudi is a stoner. He's a beast rapper. He's blazed.

Lance: Dude, have you heard of that one rapper Kid Cudi? The guys the king of the stoners!

Tyrone: Yeah! That guys a beast!

by Kid Cudi Is Beast July 19, 2009

1273πŸ‘ 269πŸ‘Ž

IPad Kid

A child who is very annoying and has no thoughts in their brain. They are constantly watching their greasy iPad that their parents got them to distract them from the divorce. The child has no social skills and will definitely get bullied in school.

-β€œWanna babysit Evan?”
-β€œNo way. He’s a gross little iPad kid.”

by CLG4L0019 December 6, 2021

42πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Band kid

Someone who is often times a complete social outcast. Also known as Reddit lurkers Keep in mind that not all kids who participate in marching band are band kids. Band kids will often times repeat the phrase β€œmarching band is a sport too” or β€œthe marching band is the most important part of the football game”.
An example of a band kid action which actually happened at my high school: during the last football game the seniors stepped onto the field and their names were called off. A few kids in the marching band were saluting to the seniors. They were not asked to do this.

Band kid: Callmecarson is my waifu.
Normal person: What a band kid thing to say.

by KanyeVision2k20 January 14, 2021

108πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž